Saturday, December 15, 2012

Novation Launchkey For iPad

Cover Art     
And out of nowhere comes the Novation Launchkey, a great looking analogue modelling synth for iPad.

Let's get this out of the way upfront: the Launchkey sounds absolutely fantastic. It also has a really nice, intuitive UI for changing parameters that's somewhat reminiscent of Propellerheads' Figure. It comes with 60 patches which you can tweak to your heart's content. This thing sounds FAT. It also has a basic arpeggiator.

But that's about it. You can't record anything, can't audio copy, no AudioBus integration. None of that. It's just a straight up, great sounding synth. If they get around to implementing at least some of that stuff, it could be pretty damn spectacular.

On the other hand, it's currently free. Can't argue with that.

Get it on the App Store for free.