Wednesday, January 16, 2013

IK Multimedia iRig Comes To Android!

I won't lie: this has been a long time coming and kudos to IK Multimedia for being the first to get their act together on the Android front.

Seriously, this is just terrific, but you'll note there's no sign of Sampletank here. Android has been notorious with developers in the past for highly problematic audio latency issues (which Android claim isn't a software issue, but more of a hardware issue, something I hope might change with the Nexus devices. Time will tell.) A good sign is that iRig Recorder, the app hub for all this hardware, seems good to go, so who knows, maybe the audio issues are being addressed. Hopefully IK's commitment to Android will help push this even further.

The hardware will include: iRig MIC (a handheld mic), iRig MIC Cast (a small podcasting mic), iRig PRE (a preamp), iRig MIX (a small DJ style mixing board) and iKlip STUDIO (a stand for you tablets, both 10" and 7" versions.) And of course the excellent and very capable iRig Recorder app.

Available at the end of January, iRig Recorder comes in Free and Paid ($4.99, with some additional FX in app purchases) versions.

More at IK Multimedia.